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The workshops and trainings align with the needs of the participants. They are conceived and arranged in a target-oriented manner according to the notions of the participants after consulting with them.
This approach allows the maximum possible efficiency.

• Number of participants (3-8 persons)
• One-day or two-day (6-8 hours)
• Termine nach Vereinbarung

Communication and Presentation

Successful communication and presentation - whether in oral or written form – requires knowledge, techniques and practice.
In our workshops you will learn the basic requirements for a confident presentation and an impressive performance in official conversations.

Confidence on the phone

In our telephone trainings you will learn strategies to make phone calls in a professional, successful and efficient manner. You will practice how to cope with delicate situations on the phone.

• in companies when dealing with customers
• in medical practice when dealing with patients
• in law firms when dealing with clients
• in hospitals, old people's homes and nursing homes

Writing letters and composing texts

In our writing workshops you will learn the techniques of writing official texts and letters. These techniques are catered to special writing situations and therefore will give you the security to devise letters in a competent, target-oriented and assertive way.

You will learn

• the correct text form
• the correct structure
• how to arrange letters in terms of content
• the exact phrasing of letters and texts
• how to use stylistic devices matching the type of document

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