Franka Suerbaum-Ahrens
After graduating in Northern Germany and completing my law studies at the universities of Munich and Munster, I spent my time as a trainee lawyer in Aachen before I was admitted to the German Bar in 1992 by the regional courts Mannheim/Heidelberg.
Alongside to the pleasure I took in working as a lawyer I discovered my passion for languages while living in Zurich, Switzerland for 12 years from 1995-2007.
After additional training at the Goethe Institute in Munich in the field of „Methodik und Didaktik des fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts“ (methodical and didactical teaching of German as a foreign language) in adult education I worked at Flying Teachers GmbH Switzerland/Head Office Zurich as a freelance language and communication trainer from 1998-2007. Due to my professional education I taught German as a foreign language with an emphasis on Business German (legal and financial) and managed communication and presentation trainings for international businesses and banks.
Apart from that I also conducted language trainings (German as a foreign language) for private customers.
Since my return from Switzerland in 2007 I have been working as a freelance language and communication trainer in Heidelberg. I coach corporate and private clients in the Rhine-Neckar area and give adult evening classes in German as a foreign language as well as communication trainings at the Volkshochschule Heidelberg.
„Deutsch für medizinische Fachkräfte“ TELC Frankfurt
„Interkulturelle Kompetenz“ Xpert CCS Basic / Xpert CCS Professional
Xpert Culture Communication Skills - VHS Heidelberg
„Methodik und Didaktik des fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts“ Goethe-Institut München
„Zusatzqualifizierung von Lehrkräften im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache“ Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge